We have a fascination with the future. On an individual level we all enjoy dreaming about "Where will I be in one year? Five years? Ten years?" We also, think through this on a societal level when we ask questions like...
"How will 2021 be different than 2020?"
"What will our country look like after the election?"
We like to think through the potential options of the future, and what our role will be in that potential future. As humans the greatest thing that we can do to build a better future is to choose to forgive. When we choose forgiveness we are choosing to participate in the progress of restoring relationships.
In Ephesians 4:32, the Apostle Paul writes, "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." When we choose to forgive we are responding to an invitation from God to reflect the character of God.
When you accept the forgiveness that can only be found in Christ you step into a new future as a new creation, to write a new story! Once you have accepted that forgiveness you are invited to give that same level of forgiveness to others. When we choose not to forgive we are actually participating in the regression of humanity. When we choose to forgive we are choosing progress, we are choosing the future, we are choosing the way that God has invited us to participate in.
Let's build a future that is rooted in forgiveness!
For more on this idea check out this past week's message from New Story Church.
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